No exchange platform allows you to buy SNX directly in Dollars ($) as of March 14, 2025
Step 1: It is therefore necessary to go through an exchange platform accepting the Dollars ($),
to buy Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (BTC) from Dollars ($), then you have to exchange those BTC or those ETH for Synthetix (SNX) on an exchange offering the pairs
BTC / SNX and ETH / SNX (See step 2 below)
To buy ETH or BTC from dollars, you can use the following platforms:
For Uniswap and Balancer , it is imperative to buy and send Ethereum (ETH), because Bitcoin (BTC) is not supported by those platforms
For PancakeSwap, you need to buy Binance coin (BNB), and send it to metamask. Follow the tutorial here : Binance Smart Chain