No exchange platform allows you to buy HOGL finance directly in Dollars ($) as of February 23, 2025
Step 1: It is therefore necessary to go through an exchange platform accepting the Dollars ($),
to buy Binance coin (BNB) from Dollars ($), then you have to exchange those BNB for HOGL finance (HOGL) on an exchange PancakeSwap (See step 2 below)
To buy BNB or BUSD from dollars, you can use the following platforms:
Recommended, the exchange leader, very reliable, easy to use moderate fees: less than 3% fees on transactions, for purchase in SEPA and credit card respectively. (Binance on Wikipedia)
Use the link below to sign up for Binance and you will get a 20% fee discount for every trade.
The credit card is accepted on those 2 platforms, but it is preferable to go through a bank transfer because transaction costs are generally lower than a purchase via credit card
Step 2: You need to exchange those Binance coin (BNB) purchased in step 1 for HOGL finance (HOGL) on PancakeSwap